We go through our lives following a unique path to victory , the only part that is missing to the riddle is a precise answer. I believe there is no correct answer to your life journey. We follow our own path and it’s impossible to tell me what I’m doing or what you are doing is wrong. There’s a reason they call it “Unique” , the reason it’s called that is because it fits to the personality of the person who’s walking. It’s exactly how no one can walk in your shoes.
The disadvantage and also advantage to a riddle is that it’s all about a matter of perspective and looking through your own eyes , yes some parts may coincide with one another but never to the point of being a mirror image. If your are looking from your own perspective then make sure what you say is also what you do. As the saying goes “Talk Is Cheap” and actions speak louder than words. I believe yes talk is cheap but my view to things is as simple as actions are worth millions.
So when it comes down to following your own path , make sure never to become a sheep. I mean yes I suffer from epilepsy and so do other people but imagine a thumb print. Everyone has a thumb that looks the same but zoom in on the details and the print is different. Treat your life like that. Things may look similar but when you zoom in on the details , everything changes. Make sure you come your own person and become the person you know your capable of becoming. Stand up and fight for your future.