Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, is far more intricate and multifaceted than commonly perceived. Despite its prevalence, there remains a significant gap in knowledge and understanding surrounding the condition. This lack of comprehension contributes to misconceptions, stigma, and challenges in effectively managing epilepsy. 1. Diverse Presentation of Seizures Epileptic seizures manifest in …
Not My Problem??
your going to get it “Not My Problem??” so you keep it to yourself , yes there are people who are like this and admittedly i was one of those at the start of my journey. The reason these people avoid asking for help is because they might think it makes them look weak to …
Behind The Mask
Everyone’s life is unique exactly the same as how no-ones fingerprint is the same. Once you’ve removed the mask, then people can see you for you. There’s so much to tell about yourself, it’s down to you to have the voice and show people who you are and what you are capable of. No-one has …
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Don’t go where the path may lead , instead go where there isn’t a path and you leave a trail #motivation #MotivationalMonday #determination #passion #commitment #dedication #selfbelief #selfconfidence http://myepilepsyjourney.uk
Let’s Talk Disability Podcast
I’m delighted to say after being asked by quite a few people, I’ve now started my Podcast series The first episode is already uploaded, with more to come over the next 2-3 days. Please check them out and if you enjoy them then please subscribe and share. I’ll be uploading new podcasts every few days …
Embracing Life’s Unexpected Turns
Good evening, everyone! I want to start by telling you something very important: high school is just the beginning. It’s a stepping stone, the first step toward becoming the person you want to be. And you know what? It’s perfectly okay if you don’t have everything figured out yet. None of us do when we’re …
The Stories That Live Behind Our Eyes?
Hi Everyone! Today, I want to talk about something that goes beyond words, beyond actions—it’s something we all carry with us, often without even realizing it. It’s the stories told in our eyes, and even more importantly, the stories that live Behind our eyes, especially on the journey to success. Success is often painted as …
Negative Reactions Won’t Control Me!
Hello everyone, Today, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind for a while. I’m done letting other people’s negative reactions control me. You see, for too long, I’ve allowed others to make me doubt myself. Every time I shared an idea, there was always someone who found a way to …
The Voice Of A Lier With Good Intentions
Hi everyone reading today , I want to talk to you today about a common belief—and yes a dangerous one, really. People will often tell you that there’s a finish line when it comes to success. They’ll say things like, “Once you get that dream job, you’ll have made it,” or, “Once you reach the …
What Do You Mean Breadcrumbs To Success?
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to talk to you about a simple yet powerful method for achieving success—the breadcrumb method. You may wonder, “What Does Breadcrumbs Have To Do With Success?” Well, let me explain. Imagine you’re walking through a forest, and you want to find your way out. You don’t know the whole path …
What Is More Valuable Money Or Answers To Those Unknown Questions?
today I want to talk to you about something we all think about Yet a lot of the time we don’t actually think hard enough about: What Is More Valuable—Making Money, Or Finding Answers To The Unknown Questions In Life? We all know that money is important. We need it to buy food, pay bills, …
Countless Leaves On A Single Tree
Hi everyone hope you’re having a nice day, So Today Let me start by asking you a simple question: have you ever looked closely at a tree? I mean really looked at it, especially at the leaves. Each tree is filled with so many leaves that it’s almost impossible to count them all. Yet, each …
Depth To The Main Story
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. I want to talk about something that often goes unnoticed but is incredibly important. We all know about big stories—the ones that make the headlines or are told in books and movies. But did you know there are countless smaller stories hidden within these bigger ones? …
Life Is Divided By Hate
Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I want to talk about something that affects us all: the way people can either help us succeed or try to hold us back. It’s a simple idea, but it has a big impact on our lives. Imagine life as a big, wide road. Some people walk down this road with …
Taking Time Embracing The Moments
Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I want to share something simple yet powerful: “The Best Thing We Can Do In Life Is To Take Our Time And Capture Every Moment.” In this fast-paced world, we often rush through life, trying to get from one task to the next. We’re always looking forward to the next big …