The reason for this post is because things have started moving forwards for me. I mean yes I was on the move but it’s hit a different height. I had a idea I know what my goal was and I mean I know i’m not on top of the mountain yet but i’m waking. Sometimes …
Breaking Off A Little Piece Of Self-Doubt
Every time someone has knocked me back , it actually breaks more and more pieces off where I was struggling. By them trying to knock me down , I actually slowly developed the idea of what I wanted to be and what to completely avoid. With this happening it has removed all the parts of …
I Bow To No-one
It doesn’t matter how much you get pushed around , you will never give in to that person. You stand and fight them. It won’t be a easy fix but never let that person win , even if all feels lost , never give in to someone who thinks they’re better than you. The reason …
Explain Why?
There are somedays where you are feeling on top of the world and then there are some where you just wonder what’s the reason? I’ve had those days where you feeling like your the cause of all the problems when in fact it’s not. The people who treat you like the outcast only do that …
The High Road
Most of the time the best way is the long way , breaking off from the crowd and following your own path and following your own instincts , not the voice of someone else in your ear. You stay with the crowd and you’ll always remain in the shadows. If you take the long way …
Bring The Life To The Party!
I think it shouldn’t matter where you are or what you are doing , bring the life to the party. It’s as simple as the smile on your face will make others smile , doesn’t matter about so called “Disability” who cares , stand out from the rest and never let any destroy that. There’s …