Ok , so what i would describe as window shopping is when you hear people set goals that we al know for a fact are unachievable and also way to unrealistic , i have a target which is to change peoples perfectives on disability. The goal isn’t massive yet also it isn’t small , i …
Where Do We Go From Here?
Now you have a mission , it’s time to hit the ground running. No one said it was going to be easy yet it’s also not impossible. If the journey is difficult then you knw your on the right track. If your journey was straight forwards then it wouldn’t even be worth attempting because there …
The World Turns Into Your Map
Life is filled with opportunity , look and think to yourself. Your journey is a treasure map with no X yet , your journey has already been written but it’s down to you to keep looking and finding your way. The destination is only unclear at the start , as soon as you move your …
Looking Through The Fog
We all believe we have the answer to everything , when in fact quite a lot of the time we are stood trying to look through the fog , there are some questions that can’t get immediate answers for. You have to search for them and trust me , it’s not a five minute job. …
Made This Way
Here’s the thing right , doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from. We are all made a unique and individual way. Weather you suffer from a disability or not. When it comes down to disability , it’s nothing to hide behind. It’s actually something to be proud of. Individuality , is the …
Seeing The World Through My Eyes
I have no judgement towards people who don’t really know much about epilepsy , it’s not fault of your own , it’s a very complex topic. I know people have a outline idea which is from what people hear such as “Epilepsy Is Just When You Fall On The Floor And Shake” well i can …