There’s always guaranteed to be mess ups in your route , there’s no avoiding them. Turn those bumps into springs and get over the obstacles in your way. So first of all you need to take that leap to even start your journey and without that your dreams will remain dreams.
When i say fall , this is a good thing. The reason for this being a good thing is because by you falling you have then encountered the problem and you know where not to go on your journey. I mean you don’t exactly want to walk back in that direction and constantly run into a brick wall.
Now Live is implying getting back up dusting yourself off and keeping your head up and continue to walk down the path to success. Since you now know where not to go you can take yourself on a more positive path.
You learn from your mistakes and never give up fighting no matter what happens , you may encounter these steps again but now you know how to correct them you will be fine and able to progress in life without hesitation.