The 5 P's Of Productivity

The 5 P’s Of Productivity

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Progression can only happen in life with these five things , i you have found your passion you firstly need to PLAN exactly where you want to go and what you plan to achieve because without a plan you have no vision towards a success future.

Now PRIORITIZEING what you want to achieve is incredibly important. The steps you have to take may be big or may be small , the thing you need to do is decide which s which and then start the process. Obviously you go for the harder tasks first because as well as taking longer , it gives you more time to look around and gain as much information and experience as you can possible obtain. Then when it comes to the easier tasks , obviously you’ll put maximum effort in but you can relax and take your time to make sure everything is perfect.

The PAUSE is a big factor as well , the reason this is so important is because once you’ve managed to get over a difficult hurdle , it gives you time to sit take a breath and plan for the next step. It’s not about how fast you achieve it , it’s all about making the most out of the situation your in.

Also the PURPOSE of what your doing , i mean what’s the point of working hard on something when you don’t even know what you want to achieve , my plan is to hopefully become a motivational speaker and i will not stop until i have made an impact on the world.

We can’t forget the feeling PLEASED as everyone knows the meaning of the word pleased. I’m sure the feeling of achievement for just achieving the first hurdle will feel like a massive achievement. Just knowing the fact you never gave up and you faced a difficult task and ended up on top will be the best feeling in the world. The thing is just because you’ve concurred hurdle one , doesn’t mean you can slow down because trust me there are more to come and require a lot of hard world and determination to succeed. Never give up on your passion and anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


i am here to explain about how epilepsy has effected me and my life so far growing up and hope to achieve which is to improve the lives of other people. My Goal is to help change peoples lives who may feel lost or in need of guidance

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